Thursday, December 24, 2009

Roast Elk with all the fixings

During my stay in Toronto, I was asked by my dad to help host a dinner party for some of his friends. He told me that he had a elk loin in the fridge and that we should try to use it. Now I had never cooked or eaten elk before but I figured by the way the elk loin was BRT (boned, rolled & tied in the industry) that it was supposed to be roasted like a prime rib or roast beef. I set to work trying to think of tasty things that would help showcase the elk. After consideration, it was decided that the elk would go well with a chocolate Demi-glace based sauce, brussel sprouts with bacon and candied walnuts, and a Gruyere cheese potato gratin.

Lots of shopping later, with a menu of courses in my mind, I set to work. Using up what was already in the fridge (there were lots of interesting things from Toronto's cheese boutique, such as duck prosciutto) and some stuff we bought, this is what we came up with.

Amuse-bouche of julienned cantaloupe, duck prosciutto and Belgian endive in an endive cup.

Plating the amuse

Coddled egg in a lemon-lime coconut broth with chives and green onion. This dish was inspired by an amazing dish I once had at Bouley in NYC. People love this one.

The main attraction. Roast elk loin, medium rare with chocolate Demi-glace sauce, brussel sprouts with bacon & candied walnuts, potato gratin.

French Gruyere Potato Gratin cooked till perfection.

Intermezzo palate cleaner of lemon sorbet.

Orange Sugar. Fine zest 2 oranges and mix with granulated sugar. Delicious topping for cakes, ice cream. Even better if you brulee it afterwards.

Crepes Suzette with Grand Marnier sauce, vanilla ice cream and orange sugar. Served with a delicious dessert wine by Banfi, called Florus. Highly recommended for people who are new to dessert wines.

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